User interview, Requirement Gathering, Ethnographic Research

Our long experience of user research took us nationwide across the whole country and far further, across most European markets and many American and Asian markets. Inbound, outbound we are used worked with UX teams of all around the world.

Turning personas and/or target segments into a fluid and clear screening questionnaires able to trigger relevant participants matching recruitment criteria and sample quotas is part of our daily duty.

We also write and/or localize study material, moderator’s guide, etc.

We go shadowing, interviewing, observing users where ever they are.

Depending on your project, we can provide you with a detailed or a summary report, debriefing, personas, interview recording or video-recordings…

Whatever we do for you, we’ll report regularly and transparently throughout the project: recruitment, recruited profiles, fieldwork… We’ll let you know how things are going on.

Need more info? Just ask arnaud (a)